Friday, January 15, 2010


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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\b\f0\fs56 MONEY AND YOU\par
\fs24 By Elder Smart Oyedotun Oyejide\par
08051631395 08052436664\par\par
\pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tab\fs28 MONEY\b0  is crucial to your living. Life becomes miserable without money. Money is the ticket to real satisfaction. Today, money has been one of man\rquote s most interesting inventions.\par
\tab Indeed, money is vital to you. You cannot do without it successfully, either in business or normal living.\par
\tab Like it or not, the world operates on money without money, we would no have a place to live, food to eat or clothes to wear. It is money not your wisdom or education that determines the car you ride, the house you build or the school your children attends. Therefore, if money is essential to a meaningful existence it hehooves you to scheme how to get money lawfully for a peace of mind. Nothing on earth will take the place of money in the areas in which it works.\par
\tab If money is your desire and you want tons of it. I advise you to establish small businesses and invest in stocks or real estate. They are certain routes to riches that I have discovered overtime. However, if you are not in business get employed in a good organization and build a career that can temporarily secure your future and keep your body and soul together until you will experience a break through financially.\par
\tab Today and every other day, people talk and scheme about money. The search for cash is a regular assignment. Thinking about money is the daily passion, concern and pre-occupation of many people.\par
\tab It is the fabric from which their dreams are woven. It is the fuel from which the engines of their lives are powered. Indeed, it is the substance on which many hopes are based. That is the more reason why a lot of people go to school, move on for further studies, enroll for one vocational training or the other, seek training and apprenticeship in one craft or another, emigrate overseas, incorporate enterprises and companies and dash here and there for contracts and connections.\par
\tab Some even descend so low to committing crimes because of money because they don\rquote t understand the right ways to make money or they are not patient enough. Any money that you make unlawfully will not barn you peace of mind and it will lead to destruction at the end of the day. That is the more reason why everybody should be extremely conscious of how and where we make money. The fear of God in money  malcury  is the beginning of peace of mind. If you don\rquote t want sorrow, doom and destruction attached to your riches stop being dubious.\par
\tab A wise  man ( King Solomon) said: A feast is made for laughter and wine makes like merry, but money is the answer for everything ( Ecclesiastes 10:19).\par
\tab Since money is needed everybody, thinking about money and how to get it is relevant or a better life and prosperity. Making ends meet demands a lot of thoughts and struggles wonder that money has been the most subject of discussion among the people. It is the reign of money. It is the sovereignty of money. Without Kudi, Owo, Ego, Naira Dollar or Pound Sterling. You life appears miserable.\par
\tab The power of money in the world today is unquestionably blessing to those who know how to manage it well. Money is the most scarce commodity that everybody is looking for. However money is like a bird, it is flying about everyday for those who can catch it. Today, money is flying around. Are you able to catch yours? What have you done to catch it? You can\rquote t fly like birds, you say. You need to catch it. If you can\rquote t fly, device a means of catching it.\par
\tab Those who really need money must be able to catch it. You need wings to fly and your wings are systematic actions to attract money.\par
\tab Everybody, you should be able to sit down and adjudge yourself of things that can be done to attract money into your pocket. It is only a constant self-confrontation of responsibility that reaps result. To get money, you must do something tangible. Money will never come your way, if you fail to attract it through smart working, investment acquisition of income operating assets and various small business that create multiple-streams of income for you.\par
\tab One of the valuable monetary wisdom I have learnt is to always attract money. Don\rquote t repel money, invite it. However, if you want to attract the money you need, no matter the amount you must have a strong believe and conviction that the money in the Central Bank  belongs to you. It is not possible to have the money you need if you don\rquote t believe in daily money making you can\rquote t have the experience you must speak the language of money all the time. The language of money is positive affirmative and fearless.\par
\tab If you sing about saying: \ldblquote\ul\b Money is hard to come by\rdblquote\ulnone\b0  it will be extremely difficult for you to tap but if you say money is plenty, \ldblquote\ul\b well, well\rdblquote\ulnone\b0  you will experience abundance. Saying that \ldblquote\ul\b  I have an abundance of money\rdblquote\fs24  \ulnone\b0  \fs28 such a declaration will assist you since you are the controller of your wealth through your thoughts and feelings.\par
\tab If you want more information on how to make money regularly, you can request for details about my book: How to make big money everyday \ldblquote  by sending a self-stamped addresses envelope to P.O Box 41854 Oremeji, Ibadan.\par
\tab However, if your business needs any treatment or attention, consult me as your business doctor Don\rquote t\rquote  let the sickness persist. Attend our business clinic regularly. You can also request for a free catalogue of my publications on business and financial success.\par
\tab\tab\tab\tab Contributed by Elder Smart Oyedotun Oyejide\par
\tab\tab\tab\tab 2348066502636\par
\tab\tab\tab\tab P.O Box 41854 Oremeji Ibadan Nigeria\par